The Xchange Heritage

DEUTZ began its proud legacy as pioneer in diesel remanufacturing in 1948 with its first engine remanufacturing plant at Übersee in Upper Bavaria, Germany. A former BMW aircraft engine repair plant, the facility quickly gained a fine reputation for its world-class technical expertise in German engineering.
More than 60 years later, this tradition continues stronger than ever. DEUTZ Corporation, the largest subsidiary of DEUTZ AG, expanded this legacy to The Americas with the launch of the DEUTZ Xchange production facility in 2008. This advanced, $3.5 million, 60,000 sq. ft. facility, located in Pendergrass, Georgia, USA, serves as the administration hub for DEUTZ Xchange engines, parts and service throughout The Americas.

At the facility's core production base are the DEUTZ 1011/2011 and 912/913/914 engines, the highest-volume DEUTZ model series sold in North America. The plant's roster also includes DEUTZ 413/511/513 and 1015/2015 engines, as well as 2012 and 2013 models. Also coming in the near future 2.9/3.6 short & long blocks.
Designed with an eye on future growth, the Xchange Americas production plant boasts the remanufacturing capability of nearly every component in the targeted engine series, with the exception of turbochargers.
Find further information on our data sheet: Xchange Americas Image Brochure
To purchase a DEUTZ Xchange engine, please contact your nearest DEUTZ Distributor or Dealer